HMO& YOI Askham Grange-One of the Best in the Country
HMP and YOI Askham Grange is a women’s open prison near York with an operational capacity of 128. It also functions as a Youth Offending institution ad has ten places available for mothers so they can care for their children full time.
This is the second Inspection of HMP Askham Grange that has given the prison a ‘good’ rating in all four inspected categories. This is the second highest grading a prison can get, with the rarely awarded ‘outstanding’ being top. However, to be awarded ‘good’ in all four areas is quite an achievement.
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Peter Clarke, said, “There had been new initiatives and innovations in many areas. The ethos of rehabilitation and resettlement that dominated the establishment seemed to be stronger than ever, and the extraordinarily strong nature of the relationships between staff and prisoners was clear to see. There can be no doubt whatsoever that this played a huge part in achieving the goals of building women’s confidence and self-esteem en route to eventual release.”
The prison has a very low level of violence, self-harm and drug use. It’s clean and has good living conditions. The mother and baby unit is well equipped and an excellent facility. The cell doors are never locked and there is a lot to do in the prison.
However, in the last six years there has been the shadow of threatened closure hanging over HMP Askham Grange. The inspectors say this needs to be resolved as soon as possible as it is one of the best performing prisons in the country and hugely benefits the offenders placed there.

Prisoner Made 71 Calls on an Illegal Mobile Phone Before Being Caught!
Paul Hutton, 39, of Reading was imprisoned in HMP Bullingdon while he was awaiting trial for a string of shoplifting offences. While in HMP Bullingdon he managed to make 71 calls from a smuggled in phone. He’d also managed to receive two incoming calls whilst in his cell.
Over his criminal career Hutton has racked up over 40 offences, mostly shoplifting.
Hutton has a drug addiction that causes him to steal in order to buy drugs according to his defence barrister.
£50,000 Worth of Drugs and Phones Thrown into HMP Wealstun Grounds!
A package worth a massive £50,000 was thrown over the perimeter fence of a prison in Leeds last week. The package contained class A and B drugs, cannabinoid soaked paper, Spice, steroids, needles and syringes, 12 phones, SIM cards and chargers and tobacco!!
Leeds’ detectives are investigating the haul that was discovered by staff checking the outer fence at HMP Wealstun for other contraband.
Governor Dane Lewis said, “Criminal gangs treat this as a business but we have to deal with the human side of this every day. Every time something like this successfully gets into the establishment it leads to debt, increased levels of self-harm, then serious assaults and can put lives at risk. Prison staff and our police colleagues are doing a fantastic job to intercept packages like this on a regular basis and disrupt the criminal gangs.”
Brian Tuson, convicted Paedophile died in HMP Chelmsford – he had a no resuscitation order.
Tuson, 81, was less than one year into his sentence of seven and a half years for sexual offences.
Brian Tuson dies of natural causes in HMP Chelmsford’s medical wing. He had cancer and did not want to be resuscitated.
Many of Tuson’s offences involved a child under the age of 13, penetrative and non-penetrative. In all he was convicted of ten offences.
Tuson, who had a medical history of lymphoma, was on an end of life care plan with a ‘do not attempt resuscitation’ request in place. His death is not being treated as suspicious.
17 year old sentenced to life in prison for knife murder of a student
Laoui Ali, 17, stabbed 16 year old Sidali Mohamed to death outside Joseph Chamberlain College in Birmingham, in February this year.
Ali was found guilty of wounding with intent, unlawful wounding and two charges of having an offensive weapon in addition to that of murder. He was sentenced to 19 years in jail.
Laoui had been an aspiring boxer, but was on bail for another wounding attack in Highgate in December 2018 when he stabbed Sidali. He had stabbed a man in the arm as he walked down the street.
The victim’s family said. “Sidali was an amazing son, brother, cousin, nephew and a fantastic friend. Sidali was an ambitious young man with his whole life ahead of him. Sidali’s death has left a huge void in our family.”