Free Trial Terms and Conditions

Your Free Trial Can start between the 20th and the 25th of this month, and you must cancel this trial on or before the 19th of the following month to avoid any charges.

You can use all the minutes included within your allowance and still cancel with no charge however, once you have reached your usage allowance your account will be charged at our standard rate for all additional minutes you receive up until the next billing date (this is the 20th of each month)

Our standard rate is 7p per minute for our Local and Family package’s (8.4p including vat)

We will contact you before any over usage is authorised and at this time you can cancel the account with no charges or you can continue with the account which will then be subject to our standard terms and conditions.

You can login online at any time to find out how many minutes you have used and if you find you want to keep the account don’t forget you can always upgrade or downgrade your package using the “my account” tab on the website.